Mike Haggadone
HaggsEnterprises LLc.
Ordering/About UsWelcome to DiscountAtvPlows.com This site is owned and operated by Mike Haggadone of HAGGS Enterprises LLC.
Email: mike@discountatvplows.com
PAYMENT: Q: IS PAYING US OVER THE INTERNET SAFE? A: I try to make everything as safe for you and me as possible. I use PAYPAL as my checkout. Although paypal is not the cheapest option for me to use as my checkout it is the safest,easyest,and most recognized way for my customers to pay. During checkout you can pay with your paypal account or paypal also accepts MC,VISA,Discover,and American Express. Paypal takes care of the billing of the Credit Card and that keeps your Info with them. Also every transaction is covered by the Paypal Buyer and Seller Protection. Read More Here: https://cms.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=security/online_security_overview Who we are: I am Mike Haggadone of Garden City, Mi. After being laid off in 2008 from Ford Motor Company, I started Haggs Enterprises LLc and bought a Plow Truck to pay the bills with. I have since developed a relationship with a local ATV/UTV parts and accesories distributor. I have been selling parts and accesories locally since. My distributor has offered to start drop shipping plow orders so I've started my first website. I get good deals, add a few bucks and still offer you a great price. Hopefully my low markup and customer service will get me your recommendation and word of mouth advertising.
SHIPPING/RETURNS/BACKORDERS: All items are assumed to be in stock and ready to ship from our local distributor in Garden City, Michigan 48135.Most orders ship next business day after payment is received. If for any reason we are out of stock items may be shipped from the Manufacturer in Minnesota. If backorder occurs you will be immediately contacted. If backorder last more than 10 days a full refund will be offered as long as a partial order was not shipped. Partial orders WILL NOT SHIP unless YOU request. Then nobody, you or me gets stuck paying to ship parts for a second time.
RETURNS: ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Once it ships its yours. Except where prohibited by law. In case of return customer will pay shipping to return the item minus upto a 20% restocking fee and any Credit Card Fees incured. $100 Flat rate shipping on all plow kits.(Lower 48 states) All other products include shipping. Outside Lower 48: If shipping exceeds the $100 you will be asked to pay the difference before we will ship your product.(ie, overseas,cutoms pw,etc) All items are in stock and will be shipped within 14 Business Days of Final Purchase. If for ANY reason there is a delay, we will immediately contact you. We will ship almost anywhere. Contact us for quote. Volume Discount Available.
Canadian customer shipping and or pickup. Located in Garden City, Mi 48135 *20 Miles West of Ambassador Bridge LOCAL PICKUP is available from Garden City, Mi 48135. Website price may be different than local pickup. Contact us for quote. Please feel free to contact us for any questions you may have no matter how small before ordering. PRIVACY POLICY: Privacy Statement For each visitor to our Web page, our Web server automatically recognizes no information regarding the domain or e-mail address. We collect the e-mail address of those who communicate with us via e-mail, aggregate information on what pages consumers access or visit, user specific information on what pages consumers access or visit and information volunteered by the consumer, such as survey information and/or site registrations. The information we collect is used for internal review and is then discarded, used to improve the content of our Web page, used to customize the content and/or layout of our page for individual consumer and used by us to contact consumers for marketing purposes. If you do not want to receive e-mail from us in the future, please let us know by sending an e-mail, calling or writing, and telling us that you do not want to receive e-mail from our company.
Terms of Use Statement You understand and agree that the owners of this site shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, data or other intangible losses (even if the owners of this site have been advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from the use or the inability to use the product(s) and or service(s) or any misuse of the product(s) and or service(s) in a manner not in accordance with their intended use. ^^^Required Legal Stuff... I assure you I do not send out a bunch of spam nor sell ANY information for any reason. Another reason I like to use paypal is they have your CC info, NOT ME...I can issue a refund and send a request for money I can not charge you anything without you having to type in your info personally again. |